The Phenomenon of "Managed Global Competition" and the Interests of Russia: New Competition in the Arctic Region


Shakleina T. A.1,Vodopyanov K G.1ORCID,Yakovenko I. D.1ORCID


1. MGIMO, MFA of Russia


Introduction. The authors are analyzing a new stage in the formation of 21stcentury world order,characterized by active policy of great powers - the United States, China, Russia, and other major powers. Primary attention is given to the U.S. strategy which the authors define as “governing (programming) strategy” aimed to influence (determine, program) policies and development of Russia and China who are declared to be primary challenges to the United States and their global competitors. The specified activities of the United States are considered in the article on the example of the Arctic region, which is becoming a space of intense competition between leading powers and a number of middle-level countries. Activities of China and Japan are described for better understanding of the situation in the Arctic. The Arctic has vital importance for the Russian Federation, and loss of privileged position can have serious consequences for the status and capabilities of Russia in the world.Materials and methods. The theoretical basis of the study is structural realism. Not only the United States, but also other powers determine the institutional foundations of the emerging order, transforming old and forming new institutions, which is especially important for the Arctic. The methodological basis of the study is systemic approach, comparative and issuehistoric analysis.Research results. Since 2021 the United States have begun a large-scale and multi-level strategy of constructing liberal world order aimed to deter and overplay Russia and China in global influence. In the framework of this strategy the Arctic region is of great importance as future role of the Russian Federation and the PRC to a great extent depends on their status in the Arctic. Discussion and conclusion. The authors worked out new definitions of “world order” and “managed competition” that are essential for understanding contemporary international situation, American global programming strategy, prospects for Russia in world politics and in the Arctic.


MGIMO University


General Medicine

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