Legal Anomie in the Legal Life of Modern Society


Malko A. V.1ORCID,Lipinsky D. A.1ORCID,Markunin R. S.1ORCID,Ivanov A. A.1ORCID


1. Tolyatti State University


Introduction. The article analyzes the problems associated with such a modern challenge as legal anomie. And although anomie is studied very actively in philosophy and sociology, this cannot be said about legal science. The authors advocate the creation of a theory of legal anomie, in which they propose to explore its essence, content and structure, and give it a general characteristic. In this regard, the article examines the concept and signs of legal anomie, shows its place and role not only in the legal system, but also in the legal life of society. Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the research is based on the following general scientific and special methods of cognition of the manifestation of legal anomie in the legal life of modern society: materialistic dialectics, complex and systematic approaches, sociological and statistical, comparative legal and formal legal methods. The results of the study. Anomalous processes are investigated both in relation to the legal system and in relation to a broader category — the legal life of society. Cognition in this way allowed us to "enter" the shadow component of legal life, which is reinforced by abnormal manifestations. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that legal anomie can be associated with the refusal to comply not only with established legal, but also with other social norms (political, moral, etc.), which sometimes allows it to transform into a special form — dysnomy. Based on the results of the analysis based on statistical and sociological data, it was revealed that the legal anomie that existed in Russia in the 90s has mostly been overcome, in Western countries (primarily in the USA) it is only "gaining momentum", acting as a significant threat to their development.Discussion and conclusion. It is proved that legal anomie has a very significant impact on the legal life of society through its legal system. Abnormal processes, being a destabilizing factor for the latter, thereby chaoticize any vital activity, including legal ones. Such a circumstance is one of the signs of legal anomie, because thereby, in terms of content, a number of legal consequences dangerous to society are created: violations of human and civil rights and freedoms, legality and law and order, harmful effects on the consciousness of the individual, etc.  


MGIMO University

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