Field Development Plan (FDP) Cloud-based Data Integration Between Geology & Drilling Software Using Python Tools


Mwansa P.1,Repilloza H.2,Grebe S.2,Hassan M. A.3,Pietrzyk M.3,Torsæter A.3


1. ADNOC Onshore, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

2. CEGAL, Stavanger, Norway

3. OLIASOFT AS, Oslo, Norway


Abstract The oil and gas industry generates vast amounts of data throughout its operations, from exploration to production. Collecting, connecting, and optimally utilizing this data is key to maximizing efficiency, accuracy, and access to new disruptive technologies. In a typical well-planning cycle, an engineer will spend a significant amount of time looking for the data they require to do their jobs efficiently. The data are typically locked away in silos - trajectories in one data platform, Pore Pressure Gradient, Fracture Gradient or Targets in another, and so on. A major Middle Eastern NOC and Two Norwegian software service companies teamed up to develop Proof of Concept (PoC) for a new workflow that integrates subsurface and drilling data between on-premises Geology E&P software and Drilling software through a proprietary Python Tool plug-in and Python library. This integration enables a streamlined connection to a cloud-based drilling and well planning software, facilitating collaboration among teams involved in well planning. The project's key challenges are the lack of a standardized communication, integration, and automation of data flows between subsurface and drilling teams, as well as the inability of engineers to access necessary data due to scattered information and access restrictions. The project utilizes a proprietary data science suite, named Cegal's Prizm, which allows easy configuration to integrate data from various applications, sources, and platforms. A proprietary Python Tool is used to merge data from various application silos and data sources, enabling enriched investigation. The process involves connecting to the Geology E&P software retrieving domain objects using the proprietary Python Tool, and converting these domain data objects into common Python data structures. The project aims to develop an innovative workflow that provides easier access to data for experts throughout the organization, leading to better decision-making during the well-planning cycle. This not only makes it easier, but it also ensures collaboration between the G&G and Drilling teams involved in new well planning



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