Uplifting the Productivity of a Mature Gas Giant in Pakistan Using Integrated Asset Modelling


Ahmed Sheraz1,Muhammad Waqas Ghulam1,Sheikh Hafiz Mustafa Ud Din1


1. Pakistan Petroleum Limited


AbstractIt's almost certain that the oil & gas industry has passed its plateau for large field discoveries. This places an extra burden on the efficient handling of our mature assets, as reasonable amount of hydrocarbon still exists in such reservoirs. However, the ever-increasing cost of new projects and low production gains hardly justify the economics. This study presents a novel approach applied on a mature gas giant, in order to revitalize old wells, optimize surface network and exploit the scattered sweet spots still prevailing in the field, with integrated surface and subsurface engineering strategies.The field under study has been producing since 1955, with around 112 wells, completed in four independent formations. The primary reservoir (Reservoir-A) is categorized as a depletion-drive gas reservoir and has been on production since the field's inception; the reservoir pressure has depleted from 1,900psi to 300psi. The other formations: Reservoir B, C & D started producing from 1968, 2000 and 2015 respectively. At its peak, the field produced ~1,000 MMscfd gas; but lately, the production decline rose to around 7-8% annually, mainly due to natural depletion. However, deterioration in well performances and limitations of surface facilities (feederlines, Gas-Gathering-Mains (GGMs) and compressors) have also exacerbated this decline, due to the additional pressure drops amassed in their flow dynamics with reservoir pressure depletion & water production.To counter the field's rapid production decline, a comprehensive workflow and an Integrated Asset model was developed, with an absolute focus on the NPV for each development. At the subsurface level, Reservoir-B (still under-developed) was the first targeted, as most of its wells were producing at uneconomical rates. An ant-tracking algorithm was run on the newly acquired 3D-seismic; and natural fractures - near the 02 high producers in Reservoir-B, were analyzed. A workflow was then developed to target similar fractures and the integrated impact, on surface facilities, was evaluated. Finally, three successful pilots were drilled in Reservoir-B and Reservoir-C, to evaluate the post-drill dynamics. Based on the real-time performances of these pilots with existing producers and surface facilities, the integrated field model was updated, coupling the wells, surface facilities and all four reservoirs (with independent reservoir models). As a result of this integrated model, 12 more wells, 09 workovers, 02 GGM optimizations and 03 compressor modification jobs were finalized; giving an overall increase in EUR by 800 BCF, while the NPV of the field increased by 131 MM$.This study offers an innovative approach that has been followed to utilize each data-set systematically, in order to re-vitalize a field even after 84% depletion. The paper also describes the evaluation process for all the optimization opportunities and their impact on the NPVs, to reap the maximum reward from such an old field.










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