There are millions of different colors that exist in this nature. There are colors that can easily be distinguished from other colors, but many are also difficult to distinguish. The ability to distinguish colors is important in the recognition of an object, especially objects in an image. Color can be represented in a three-dimensional RGB color space and each color will have an RGB value with a range of values ??from 0-255. Conceptually, colors with different RGB values ??are different colors, but the human eye may not necessarily be able to distinguish them. This study aims to determine and measure the color dissimilarity that can be distinguished by humans. With an experiment comparing a color with a color made with a variation of RGB values, this study resulted that two colors that have a Delta E (?E) value of 8 can be distinguished by the eye. This result is obtained if both colors have a value of ?R, ?G or ?B of at least 8, or a value of ?RG, ?RB or ?GB of at least 6, or a value of ?RGB of at least 5.
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