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2. 2) K. Fujino: Genetically Distinct Skipjack Tuna Subpopulations Appeared in the Central and the Western Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Sci., 62, 189-195 (1996).
3. 3) K. S. Chi and R. T. Yang: Age and growth of skipjack tuna in the waters around southern part of Taiwan. Acta Oceanogr. Taiwan, 3, 199-221 (1973).
4. 4) B. J. Rothschild: Estimates of growth of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in the Hawaiian Islands. Proc. Indo-Pac. Fish. Counc. 12 (Sect. 2), 100-111 (1967).
5. 5) W. M. Matsumoto, R. A. Skillman, and A. E. Dizon: Synopsis of biological dataon skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis, NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 451, NOAA, Washington D. C., 1984, pp. 1-92.