1. 1) Y. HASHIMOTO, T. NOGUCHI, and R. ADACHI: This Bull., 42, 671-676 (1976).
2. 2) R. ADACHI: in “Study on the toxicity of phytoplankton” (ed. by T. OKAICHI), Scientific report for a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 1976, p. 14.
3. 3) W. HORWITZ ed.: in “Official methods of analysis of A. O. A. C.”, 24th ed., A. O. A. C, Washington, D. C, 1975, pp. 319-321.
4. 4) Y. HASHIMOTO and K. HASHIMOTO: in “Study on the toxicity of phytoplankton” (ed. by T. OKAICHI), Scientific report for a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 1976, pp. 7-9.