Salting Newborns, the Skin Barrier from Antiquity to Today


Mahmoud Eugene1


1. American Health Holding


Loma Linda Publishing Company


General Medicine

Reference16 articles.

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3. Islamic Medicine Volume 42 'Ali Ibn Al-‘Abbaas Al-Majusi (10th century) Kaamil As-Sinaa'ah At-Tibbiyyah (The Complete Art of Medicine) Book II. Edited by Fuat Sezgin 1996 Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.

4. The Canon of Medicine (Al-Qaanoon fi'l Tibb) Avicenna Adapted by Laleh Bakhtiar from translations by O. Cameron Gruner and Mazar Shah 1999 Great Books of the Islamic World, Inc. pp. 359-60.

5. Salting Babies. Innovation and Tradition in Premodern Procedures for Neonatal Care Miquel Forcada The present paper is a part of a wider project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, ‘La evolución de la ciencia en la sociedad de al-Andalus desde la Alta Edad Media al pre-Renacimiento y su repercusión en las culturas europeas y árabes (siglos X-XV)’ (‘The evolution of science in al-Andalus society since the High Middle Ages to the pre-Renaissance and its repercussion on cultures European and Arab (X-XV centuries)’) ref. FFI 2008-00234 Filo, and FFI2011-30092-C02-01.







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