The Principle of Operation of an Engine That Draws Energy from the Electrogravitational Vacuum



Abstract: The principle of operation of a fuel-free electromagnetic engine is presented, in which the relativistic charged particles of the electrogravitational vacuum serve as a driving force. The crossed electric and magnetic fields in the engine’s working chamber lead to the Lorentz force, which results in asymmetric fluxes of charged vacuum particles in this chamber. The subsequent interaction of these particle fluxes with the charged matter of the chamber walls leads to the appearance of the resultant thrust force. The parameters of the charged particles of the electrogravitational vacuum can be determined using the theory of the infinite hierarchical nesting of matter and the theory of similarity. Taking this into account, the motion trajectories of the charged particles in the working chamber and the forces created by the particles are determined. When the engine is running, the laws of conservation of energy and momentum are fully satisfied; in particular, the engine increases its momentum due to the change in the total momentum of the fluxes of the vacuum’s charged particles. Keywords: Fuel-free engine, Force field, Electromagnetic interaction, Electrogravitational vacuum.


Yarmouk University







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