Abstract: In modern time, the optical fiber communication has revolutionized the data transmission process and contributed vitally to the development of qualitative and speedy telecommunication systems. The arteries of this system are optical fibers which carry information as light signals and as fast as speed of light. But these light signals suffer energy losses during their propagation through the optical fibers. For the effective functioning of an optical fiber communication, it is necessary to know and prevent the prevailing energy losses (especially external bending losses) of the optical fibers. In this paper, the external bending loss of optical power while propagating through a single-mode optical fiber has been investigated. Further, the effects of wrapping turns (1 to 6 turns) and bending diameters (2 cm ≤ D ≤ 12 cm) on the power loss of laser at a wavelength of 650 nm have been studied.
Keywords: Single-mode optical fiber, Bending loss, Attenuation coefficient, Wrapping turns, Bending diameter.
PACs: 42.81.-I, 78.67.Pt, 42.25.Bs.
General Physics and Astronomy