Abstract: In this study, the Schrödinger equation was solved with a superposition of the Hulthen potential and generalized inverse quadratic Yukawa potential model using the Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method. For completeness, we also calculated the wave function. To validate our results, the numerical bound state energy eigenvalues was computed for various principal n and angular momentum l quantum numbers. With the aid of the Hellmann-Feynman theorem, the expressions for the expectation values of the square of inverse of position, r^(-2), inverse of position, r^(-1), kinetic energy, T ̂ and square of momentum, p ̂ are calculated. By adjusting the potential parameters, special cases of the potential were considered, resulting in Generalized Inverse Quadratic Yukawa potential, Hulthen potential, Coulomb potential, Kratzer potential, Inversely Quadratic Yukawa potential and Coulomb plus inverse square potential, respectively. Their energy eigenvalue expressions and numerical computations agreed with the literature.
Keywords: Schrödinger equation, Hulthen potential (HP), Generalized inverse quadratic Yukawa potential (GIQYP), Nikiforov-Uvarov method.
PACS: 03.65.−w, 03.65.Ca, 03.65.Ge.
General Physics and Astronomy
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11 articles.