On the issue of the formation temperatures of sellaite and fluorite in the Suran deposit (South Urals)


Michurin Sergey Vasilevich1,Kazbulatova Gulfiya Mavletovna1,Sultanova Anna Gennadievna1


1. Institute of Geology — Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences


For the sellaite-fluorite Suran deposit, the currently available data on the temperatures of homogenization and decompression of fluid inclusions are summarized and critically reviewed. It is shown that the conclusions of previous researchers on fluorite formation temperatures based on these data are contradictory. Possible causes of the current situation are discussed. The results of studying sellaite, various fluorite and quartz generations by vacuum decompression are presented. It is concluded that the initial temperatures of mineral-forming fluids could reach 360–400°C.



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