Petrochemical and mineralogical features of gabbro-dolerits of Suran fluorite deposit (Southern Ural)


Samigullin Aidar Alfridovich1,Saveliev Dmitry Evgenievich1,Vasiliev Andrey Maksimovich1,Nikonov Vladimir Nikolaevich2


1. Institute of Geology — Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Ufa university of science and technologies


The manuscript provides a petrochemical and mineralogical description of the gabbro-dolerite body of the Suran fluorite deposit. The investigated body has structural and microelement heterogeneity. For the first time, intrusive rocks of this deposite were studied using scanning electron microscopy. A high content of cobalt and nickel in pyrite was revealed. Three types of pyrite and two types of manganilmenite have been identified. The conditions for the formation of clinopyroxene correlate with the geodynamic position of intrusive rocks.



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