Effects of different fertilizer doses on the yield and some quality parameters of winter wheat


Jakab Péter1,Masa Nóra1,Baranyi Anita1,Hódiné Szél Margit1


1. University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture


The influence of different fertilizer doses on the yield and quality of winter wheat was studied on meadow soil in the crop-year 2016-2017 in Hódmezővásárhely. The experiment was set up on the area of the SZTE Tangazdaság Ltd, in three replications. The forecrop was sunflower. Six fertilizer setups were applied besides the control: N80PK30, N100PK30, N130PK30, N150PK30, N170PK0, and N170PK50 kg/ha active ingredients. The year 2016-2017 was unfavourable for winter wheat production. The amount of precipitation in the vegetative period of winter wheat was lower than the average. The obtained data were processed by single factor ANOVA. In the control treatment, the yield was 4.20 t/ha. The maximum yield of 5.60 t/ha was reached with N130PK30 kg/ha fertilizer treatment. The yield difference between the two treatments was statistically justified. The nutrient doses higher than N130PK30 did not increase the yield of wheat. A crude protein content of 17.60% was measured in the N0PK0 treatment. The highest content of crude protein (18.70%) was in the N100PK30 and N130PK30 treatments. The Zeleny number was 70.40 ml in the control treatment. In the N130PK30 treatment, it reached the maximum value of 76.0 ml. In our experiment, the N130PK30 kg/ha fertilizer dose was the most favourable concerning the yield and quality parameters of the examined winter wheat variety.


University of Szeged

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