Challenges of Industry 4.0 in Hungarian agriculture


Lencsés Enikő1ORCID,Mészáros Kornélia1ORCID


1. Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Although the technological revolutions in agricultural production are already at stage 5.0, the majority of Hungarian farmers are familiar with the achievements of 4.0 in theory, but most of them still use only elements of stage 2.0. The range of BigData applications goes far beyond production itself and even covers the entire supply chain. It plays a role in global issues such as food safety and sustainable management, and the results of the data from the system are used to improve efficiency. The development of the Internet of Things (IoT), which wirelessly connects agricultural production and supply chain members, will result in a lot of new, realtime data. An important challenge for these changes is to create new business models for farmers, but it also brings with it a number of open regulatory issues, such as data security and data ownership issues. Decision-making issues do not necessarily remain in the hands of farmers, but the data owner can have a major influence on the design and selection of alternatives. Sustainable integration of Big Data resources is a challenge, as it is crucial for the enterprise model. In order to introduce and apply new technologies, it is absolutely necessary to rethink and transform the existing processes. Developments should not be done in isolation, but together with innovative companies and farmers. It is important to keep in mind that in the future, the collection and sharing of data and the different work tools will be compatible with each other, and data transfer will be as simple as possible, keeping security in mind. The present study examines the theoretical effects of BigData applications in comparison to business models used in conventional technology along the business model research issue based on Lindgradt et al. (2009).


Szegedi Tudományegyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar

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