1. Institute of Smart Technology and Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Pécs
2. Department of Plant Biology, Institute of Biology, University of Pécs
We measured the daily evapotranspiration on a horizontal sub-surface flow constructed wetland in Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary. The main focus of our research was the seasonality of evapotranspiration in this CW. We measured the water balance of the CW and searched days when no precipitation, no inlet or outlet impacted on the water balance of the constructed wetland, only the evapotranspiration. had impact on the water balance. The results show that in spring the evapotranspiration rates were between 18-42,6 mm/day, in summer 12,3-42,3 mm/ day and in autumn the values were 13,6-22,7 mm/day. The highest hourly evapotranspiration was 16,3% of the daily evapotranspiration. This value was 415 % of the average, hourly hydraulic load that can significantly affects on the effluent concentration. The results also show the morning and evening condensation which has two main effects. On the other hand, the water balance of the CW is increased, which results the decrease of the concentration of wastewater.
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