1. Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications
2. %E. Fermi, S. Ulam and J. Pasta, Studies of nonlinear problems I, In Nonlinear Wawe Motions, Lect. Appl. Math., Amer. Math. Soc. %15(1974), 143--155 E. Fermi, J. Pasta, S. Ulam, Studies of nonlinear problems I (1955), I. Los Alamos report LA-1940, published later in Collected Papers of Enrico Fermi, E. Segré (Ed.), University of Chicago Press, 1965.
3. Discrete breathers in Fermi–Pasta–Ulam lattices
4. R. Khomeriki, S. Lepri, S. Ruffo, Pattern formation and localization in the forced-damped FPU lattice, published online on arXiv, 2 Jul 2001. https://arxiv.org/abs/nlin/0107002v1
5. Interaction of a kink soliton with a breather in a Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain