Gazdasági- és egyéb szervezetek konfliktusainak és rendezési lehetőségeinek összevetése


Rákóczy Zsuzsanna1


1. Budapesti Corviun Egyetem, Szociológia és Kommunikációtudomány Doktori Iskola


This present study draws findings on possible ways of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in economic and other “non-economic” organizations. The research analyzed (1) conflicts in organizations, (2) methods of conflict resolution, (3) actors who support the management of conflict management, (4) trust between parties, (5) knowledge of ADR, and (6) additional possible – Hungarian sector-specific – circumstances. There is no such comparison study of economic and ’non-economic’ organizations in Hungary, as well as there is also absence of English studies about the neighbor post-socialist countries of the European Union. The last one was carried out 10 years ago as a pilot project to introduce ADR in Hungary, so with this research, some relevant ideas were carried out that can contribute to the more efficient implementation of domestic efforts.


University of Szeged

Reference43 articles.

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5. Beer, Jennifer E. - Stief, Eileen (1997): The Mediator's Handbook. USA. Gabriola Island, BC, New Society Publisher.







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