1. Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences , Department of Mechanical Engineering , Târgu Mureș , Romania
The main purpose of this paper consists in improving the rigidity of the gear tooth by applying various root fillet forms that differ from the classical 0.38m radius circle arc. During the research the necessity of the re-formulation of the undercut appeared. It appears much later in case of applying rounded addendum edge planing comb as in case of using a classic generating profile tool. Therefore, the limits of the profile shifting can be significantly extended without weakening the tooth dedendum.
The paper presents the stress repartitions under equal load, which occur on classic teeth, and on teeth having a modified root fillet. In this last case, the modified root fillet is the envelope of the curve family constituted by the rounded edge curves, in the relative motion of the comb related to the cut gear.
Muszaki Tudomanyos Kozlemenyek
General Arts and Humanities
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1 articles.