Management of the Establishment of Interaction between Higher Education Institutions and Territorial Communities in Modern Conditions


Vasynova NadiiaORCID


The article raises the problem of managing the establishment of interaction between higher education institutions and territorial communities. In modern conditions, considering the ongoing war in Ukraine, the interaction of higher education institutions and territorial communities should be diverse, contributing to social inclusion, which is a new, so-called “third mission” of the university, which is integral nowadays. It has been found that the educational and scientific mission, as a rule, provides an indirect, potential impact on the development of society, but as a “third mission”, it involves a direct impact. The prospects for interaction between the higher education institution and the territorial community are based on advanced international experience. The author emphasizes that taking into account the tendency of universities of Western countries is an important condition for increasing the efficiency of the domestic higher education system; in addition to this, effective interaction on a partnership basis will benefit the country, regional development, in particular, the development of territorial communities and higher education institutions. The main managerial measures to control the establishment of interaction between higher education institutions and territorial communities have been identified, they include the following points: modernizing the mission of the university, taking into account the potential capabilities of the institution; identifying subjects for establishing interaction with, their functions and possible forms of activity; organizing training of university employees and territorial communities for the implementation of the "third mission"; making amendments to the regulatory documents of territorial communities, educational institutions; creating bodies for managing the process of interaction; analysing of the functioning of territorial communities and higher education institutions; developing a long-term plan for interaction with communities; developing criteria for assessing the process of interaction, the results of interaction and activities of employees; developing a system for encouraging employees to participate in the process of interaction; establishing communication in the process of interaction of higher education institutions and territorial communities; including representatives of communities and other subjects of interaction in the collegial bodies of higher education institutions; establishing the process of interaction and its evaluation; preparing methodological materials to help interaction participants; resolving financial problems of interaction establishment.


Institute of Higher Education NAES of Ukraine

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