Master’s Degree Students Training in Higher Education Management in Ukraine


Saiuk MariiaORCID


The article deals with the issue of improving higher education management, which is one of the priorities at the stage of Ukraine’s integration to the European Union. The state of Master’s degree students training in higher education management is determined based on the analysis of national legislation, higher education standards in particular, and appropriative Master’s degree programmes. Based on the educational policies of Ukraine, the approaches to providing such training are comprehensively characterized. It has been identified that in Ukraine, the training in higher education management is carried out within two specialties: “011 Educational and Pedagogical Sciences”, “073 Management”, where study programmes in management prevail quantitatively. Based on enrolment data, it has been determined that pedagogical education programmes are in high demand among applicants. The content, purpose, learning outcomes, educational components of the study programmes, the fulfilment of licensed scope of student number for such Master’s degree programmes and their graduates employment is revealed. For the first time, the common features of the goal of the study programmes in higher education management are summarized in the frame of the two specialties specified above: the training of highly qualified specialists with a high level of management and communication competence as well as capacity to solve problems in the education management sphere. The partial implementation of the principles laid down as the basis of the legislation on higher education quality assurance through the accreditation of study programmes and the strengthening trust in higher education in Ukraine has been revealed. The distribution of higher education entrants between the specialities is determined based on a comparative analysis of the data. The issues concerning the feasibility of higher education managers training in frame of the specialty “281 Public Administration and Management” is considered. It is found out that the most programmes are aimed at the institutional level management. It is proposed that providing higher education managers training at the national and regional levels can be achieved by the implementation of the interdisciplinary study programmes.


Institute of Higher Education NAES of Ukraine

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