Evolution of Theoretical Approaches and Ways to Ensure the Responsibility of University Research Activities in the Context of Implementing the “Open Science” Concept


Petroye OlhaORCID


The article is devoted to highlighting of the evolution of theoretical approaches and identification of ways to ensure the responsibility of university research activities in the context of the implementation of the Open Science concept. The author analyses the EU policy documents in the field of Responsible Research and Innovation and Open Science, and justifies the need to strengthen the responsibility of university research activities in the context of implementation of Open Science standards in the national research space to fulfil the tasks set out in the National Open Science Plan. The author considers the results of case studies of domestic and foreign, primarily European, scholars and shows that a characteristic feature of the current evolutionary stage of theoretical interpretations of the problem of responsibility of research activity is its development within the framework of the RRI concept, which is considered in the EU as a transformational, critical and radical concept. The author substantiates the expediency of applying the systemic RRI concept for the formation and implementation of policies to strengthen the responsibility of research activities of Ukrainian universities. The author highlights the advantages of this concept, which are that it combines academic procedural and political approaches to RRI, covers the key components of RRI (public engagement, open access, science education, gender, ethics and governance), and provides for the assessment of RRI conditions and processes (expectations, reflexivity, inclusion and sensitivity). The author focuses special attention on highlighting the “Societal Readiness Thinking Tool” regarding the use of its potential to promote the RRI concept, formulate and actively implement RRI policies in Ukrainian HEIs to ensure their integration into the ERA of responsible research and open science. This article is based on the results of the author’s previous research, which were obtained within the framework of the academic research of the Universities’ Research Activities Unit at the Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine on the topic “Increasing the Research Capacity of Ukrainian Universities in the Conditions of War and Post-war Recovery in the Context of Implementing the Open Science Concept” (State Registration No. 0122U200775).


Institute of Higher Education NAES of Ukraine

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