1. 1 ADB, JBIC, JICA and WB, 2005, Sri Lanka 2005 Post Tsunami Recovery Program Draft Preliminary Damage and Needs Assessment, January 2005, page
2. 2 Alailima, P. J., 2006, The Tsunami Reconstruction Response, Sri Lanka, Transparency International, Sri Lanka, July 2006
3. 3 Department of Census and Statistics Sri Lanka (DoCS), 2006, http://www.statistics.gov.lk/
4. 4 Fernando, S. (2006), Post Tsunami recovery in Sri Lanka, The Sunday Times, December 24, 2006
5. 5 Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL), 2005, Post Tsunami Recovery and Reconstruction, Joint Report of the GoSL and Development Partners, December 2005, page