Economic component of the ecosystem services losses


Kolmakova Valentyna M.,Patoka Iryna V.


The article is aimed at development of the scientific approaches as to assessment of the economic component of the ecosystem services losses at the local level. An analysis is made of the components of the environmental economic index at the local level and the economic mechanism of formation of the ecosystem services losses is studied. It is emphasized that the ecosystem assessment of the environmental pollution losses at the local level is impossible without taking into consideration the up-to-date approaches as to the ecosystem development analysis and their state assessment. The ecosystem assets accounting while estimating the investment attractiveness of the territory is substantiated. Basing on the water resources, the management and economic approaches are specified while estimating losses of the ecosystem water services under management decentralization to prevent negative consequences of the economic activities at the local level. The necessity is substantiated to develop novel theoretical and methodological approaches to solve this problem envisaging three key aspects in particular, aiming at development of the theory of the ecosystem services losses based on losses (gaining no advantages) from the water ecosystem, development of the theory of ecological risk and that of the water ecosystem degradation. Conceptual scheme is proposed to determine parameters of the economic damage caused by the water ecosystem services losses. The further long-term researches involve approaches as follows: to form an integrated strategic approach for implementation of the ecosystem analysis of the losses caused by the economic negative consequences at the local level; to develop and implement effective methodical approaches for assessment of the losses caused by the negative economic consequences to make the territory attractive for investment using local natural resources in particular, water, as environmental assets of the territory sustainable development.


Ukrainian-American Concordia University

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