Integrase strand transfer inhibitors and neuropsychiatric adverse events in a large prospective cohort


Cuzin Lise12ORCID,Pugliese Pascal3,Katlama Christine45,Bani-Sadr Firouzé67,Ferry Tristan89,Rey David10,Lourenco Jeremy11,Bregigeon Sylvie12,Allavena Clotilde1314,Reynes Jacques1516,Cabié André117,Drobacheff-Thiébaut C,Foltzer A,Bouiller K,Hustache-Mathieu L,Chirouze C,Lepiller Q,Bozon F,Babre O,Muret P,Laurichesse H,Lesens O,Vidal M,Mrozek N,Aumeran C,Baud O,Corbin V,Letertre P,Casanova S,Jacomet C,Hoen B,Lamaury I,Fabre I,Curlier E,Ouissa R,Schepers K,Herrmann-Storck C,Dournon N,Merrien D,Perré P,Guimard T,Bollangier O,Leautez S,Morrier M,Ader F,Biron F,Boibieux A,Cotte L,Ferry T,Miailhes P,Perpoint T,Roux S,Degroodt S,Brochier C,Valour F,Chidiac C,Dhiver C,Mokhtari M Saadia,Ménard A,Dupont H Tissot,Toméi C,Meddeb L,Belkhir A Y,Ravaux I,Brégigeon S,Zaegel-Faucher O,Obry-Roguet V,Orticoni M,Soavi M J,Luquet-Besson I,Ressiot E,Carta-Padovani M,Ducassou M J,Bertone H,Galie S,Galinier A,Monclar M,Ritleng A S,Ivanova A,Blanco-Betancourt C,Lions C,Poizot-Martin I,Abel S,Césaire R,Cuzin L,Santos G Dos,Fagour L,Illiaquer M,Najioullah F,Nguyen D,Ouka M,Pierre-François S,Pasquier J,Pircher M,Rozé B,Cabié A,Atoui N,Moing V Le,Makinson A,Meftah N,de Boever C Merle,Montes B,Ferrer A Montoya,Reynes J,André M,Boyer L,Bouillon M P,Delestan M,May T,Allavena C,Bernaud C,Billaud E,Biron C,Bonnet B,Bouchez S,Boutoille D,Brunet-Cartier C,Hall N,Jovelin T,Morineau P,Reliquet V,Hue H,Sécher S,Cavellec M,Soria A,Ferré V,André-Garnier E,Rodallec A,Guen L Le,Lefebvre M,Grossi O,Point P,Aubry O,Khatchatourian L,Raffi F,Pugliese P,Breaud S,Ceppi C,Courjon J,Cua E,Cottalorda J,Dellamonica P,Demonchy E,Monte A De,Durant J,Etienne C,Ferrando S,Fuzibet J G,Garraffo R,Joulie A,Risso K,Mondain V,Naqvi A,Oran N,Perbost I,Pillet S,Prouvost-Keller B,Pradier C,Wehrlen-Pugliese S,Rio V,Rosenthal E,Sausse S,Zouzou G,Hocqueloux L,Cheret A,Goujard C,Quertainmont Y,Teicher E,Lerolle N,Vittecoq D,Deradji O,Fourreau F,Pallier C,Barrail-Tran A,Landman R,Joly V,Rioux C,Lariven S,Gervais A,Lescure F X,Matheron S,Louni F,Godard C,Julia Z,Chansombat M,Rahli D,Mackoumbou-Nkouka C,Charpentier C,Descamps D,Peytavin G,Yazdanpanah Y,Consigny P H,Cessot G,Bossi P,Goesch J,Gilquin J,Benabdelmoumen G,Lanternier F,Charlier C,Amazzough K,Henry B,Pilmis B,Rouzaud C,Morgand M,Touam F,Louisin C,Duvivier C,Lortholary O,Guery R,Danion F,Lourenco J,Parize P,Etienne N,Launay M,Rouzioux C,Avettand Fenoel V,Valantin M A,Flandre P,Caby F,Tubiana R,Agher R,Seang S,Schneider L,Palich R,Blanc C,Katlama C,Berger J L,N’Guyen Y,Lambert D,Lebrun D,Kmiec I,Hentzien M,Brodard V,Bani-Sadr F,Botelho-Nevers E,Gagneux-Brunon A,Frésard A,Lucht F,Fischer P,Partisani M,Cheneau C,Priester M,Batard M L,Bernard-Henry C,de Mautort E,Rey D,Alvarez M,Biezunski N,Debard A,Delpierre C,Lansalot P,Lelièvre L,Martin-Blondel G,Metsu D,Piffaut M,Porte L,Saune K,Delobel P,Ajana F,Alcaraz I,Baclet V,Boucher A,Choisy P,Huleux T,Lafon-Desmurs B,Melliez H,Meybeck A,Pasquet A,Pradier M,Robineau O,Viget N,Valette M,


1. Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Martinique University Hospital, Fort-de-France, France

2. INSERM UMR1027, Toulouse University, Toulouse, France

3. Infectious Diseases Department, Nice University Hospital, Nice, France

4. Sorbonne Univ., UPMC Univ Paris 06-UMR_S 1136, Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health, Paris, France

5. AP-HP, Infectious Diseases Department, APHP Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France

6. Reims Champagne-Ardenne University, EA-4684/SFR CAPSANTE, Reims, France

7. Tropical and Infectious Diseases Department, University Hospital Reims, Reims, France

8. Infectious Disease Unit, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France

9. Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, CIRI, INSERM U1111, Lyon, France

10. HIV Infection Care Centre, University Hospital, Strasbourg, France

11. Infectious Diseases Department, AP-HP-Necker Hospital, Paris, France

12. Aix Marseille University, APHM Sainte-Marguerite, Marseille, France

13. Infectious Diseases Department, Nantes University Hospital, Nantes, France

14. UIC 1413 INSERM, Nantes, France

15. Infectious Diseases Department, Montpellier University Hospital, Montpellier, France

16. INSERM U1175, IRD UMI233, Montpellier University, Montpellier, France

17. INSERM CIC1424, Fort-de-France, France


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Infectious Diseases,Pharmacology (medical),Pharmacology,Microbiology (medical)







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