1. College of Pharmacy, The University of Michigan (UM), Ann Arbor, and Pharmacy Clinical Coordinator, Hurley Medical Center, Flint, Ml; at the time of this study she was Clinical Pharmacist, Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Team (PENT), The University of Michigan Medical Center (UMMC), Ann Arbor.
2. College of Pharmacy, UM, and Pharmacy Manager, HomeMed, UMMC; at the time of this study he was Clinical Pharmacist, PENT, UMMC.
3. College of Pharmacy, and Associate Professor of Health Services Management and Policy, School of Public Health, UM.
4. Munson Medical Center, Traverse City, MI; at the time of this study she was a doctor of pharmacy student. College of Pharmacy, UM.
5. University of Colo rado Health Sciences Center, Denver; at the time of this study she was a doctor of pharmacy student, College of Pharmacy, UM.
6. St. John Medical Center, Detroit, Ml; at the time of this study she was Glaxo Pharmacy Fellow in Gastroenterology and Clinical Instructor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, UM.
7. College of Pharmacy. UM, and Clinical Pharmacist, Gastroenterology, UMMC.