The radius variations of accreting main-sequence stars and mass transfer instability


Zhao Zi-Qi123,Li Zhen-Wei456ORCID,Xiao Lin123ORCID,Ge Hong-Wei456ORCID,Han Zhan-Wen4567ORCID


1. Department of Physics, Hebei University , Baoding 071002 , China

2. Hebei Key Laboratory of High-precision Computation and Application of Quantum Field Theory , Baoding 071002 , China

3. Hebei Research Center of the Basic Discipline for Computational Physics College of Physics Science and Technology, Hebei University , Baoding 071002 , China

4. Yunnan Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Kunming 650216 , China

5. Key Laboratory for the Structure and Evolution of Celestial Objects, Chinese Academy of Science , Kunming 650011 , China

6. International Centre of Supernovae, Yunnan Key Laboratory , Kunming 650216 , China

7. University of the Chinese Academy of Science , Yuquan Road 19, Shijingshan Block, 100049 Beijing , China


ABSTRACT Many previous works studied the dynamical time-scale mass transfer stability criteria based on the donor response with neglecting the stellar structure of the accretor. In this letter, we investigate the radial response of accretors with mass accumulation and its effect on the binary mass transfer stability. We perform a series of detailed stellar evolution simulations with different types of accretors and obtain the radial variations of stars accreting at different rates. Since the time within which the donor loses half of the original mass has a correlation with the donor mass, we approximately obtain the mean mass transfer rate as a function of mass ratio. Assuming that the common envelope (CE) phase occurs if the accretor radius exceeds the outer Roche lobe radius, we obtain the critical mass ratio of dynamically unstable mass transfer. We find the critical mass ratios for donors filling their Roche lobes at the Main Sequence (MS) and Hertzsprung Gap (HG) stages are smaller than that derived from the radial response of the donor in the traditional way. Our results may suggest that the binary is easier to enter into the CE phase for a donor star at the MS or HG stage than previously believed.


National Key Research and Development Program of China

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province

Chinese Academy of Sciences


Oxford University Press (OUP)







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