Pulsations of primordial supermassive stars induced by a general relativistic instability; visible to JWST at z > 12


Nagele Chris1ORCID,Umeda Hideyuki1,Takahashi Koh2,Maeda Keiichi3ORCID


1. Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo , Tokyo 113-0033, Japan

2. Astronomical Institute, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University , Sendai 980-8578, Japan

3. Department of Astronomy, Kyoto University , Kitashirakawa-Oiwake-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606- 8502, Japan


ABSTRACT The origin of high-redshift quasars and their supermassive black hole engines is unclear. One promising solution is the collapse of a primordial supermassive star. Observational confirmation of this scenario may be challenging, but a general relativistic instability supernova provides one avenue for such. Previous studies have found that a general relativistic instability supernova has a potentially decades-long plateau phase visible to JWST at high redshift. In this work, we examine stars with mass just below the general relativistic instability supernova mass range. These stars pulsate, ejecting a portion of their envelopes. They then contract quasi-statically back to an equilibrium temperature, at which point they again become unstable and pulsate once more. Because each pulse consumes a small amount of the available nuclear fuel, there exists the possibility of multiple pulsations. We present simulations of the contracting phase, the pulsation, and the light-curve phase. We find that the lower mass pulsating models are even brighter than the higher mass supernovae because the pulsations occur in the late helium burning phase when the stars have extremely large radii. The fact that the pulsations are more luminous and occur in a wider mass range than the supernovae bodes well for observation.





Oxford University Press (OUP)


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics

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