White Paper: Bridging the gap between surveillance data and antimicrobial stewardship in the animal sector—practical guidance from the JPIAMR ARCH and COMBACTE-MAGNET EPI-Net networks


Compri Monica1,Mader Rodolphe2,Mazzolini Elena3,de Angelis Giulia45,Mutters Nico T6,Babu Rajendran Nithya78,Galia Liliana1,Tacconelli Evelina178,Schrijver Remco9,Adegnika Ayola Akim,Arieti Fabiana,Rajendran Nithya Babu,Bielicki Julia,Borrmann Steffen,Carrara Elena,Cauda Roberto,Compri Monica,De Angelis Giulia,Filippitzi Maria-Eleni,Frost Isabel,Galia Liliana,Giske Christian,Göpel Siri,Guardabassi Luca,Heuvelink Annet,Kahlmeter Gunnar,Kanj Souha S,Kostyanev Tomislav,Leibovici Leonard,Lucet Jean-Christophe,López-Cerero Lorena,Mader Rodolphe,Mazzaferri Fulvia,Mazzolini Elena,Mendelson Marc,Murri Rita,Mutters Nico T,Paul Mical,Pezzani Maria Diletta,Presterl Elisabeth,Renk Hanna,Song Le Huu,Sanguinetti Maurizio,Schrijver Remco,Scudeller Luigia,Sharland Mike,Sibani Marcella,Tacconelli Evelina,Torumkuney Didem,Velavan Thirumalaisamy P,Voss Andreas,


1. Infectious Diseases Section, Department of Diagnostics and Public Health, University of Verona, Verona, Italy

2. University of Lyon, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), Laboratory of Lyon, Antimicrobial Resistance and Bacterial Virulence Unit, Lyon, France

3. Department of Epidemiology, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Legnaro, Padua, Italy

4. Dipartimento di Scienze Biotecnologiche di base, Cliniche Intensivologiche e Perioperatorie, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy

5. Dipartimento di Scienze di Laboratorio e Infettivologiche, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Rome, Italy

6. Institute for Hygiene and Public Health, Bonn University Hospital, Bonn, Germany

7. Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine I, Tübingen University Hospital, Tübingen, Germany

8. German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF), Clinical Research Unit for healthcare associated infections, Tübingen, Germany

9. VetEffecT, Bilthoven, The Netherlands


AbstractBackgroundThe JPIAMR ARCH and COMBACTE-MAGNET EPI-Net networks have joined efforts to formulate a set of target actions to link the surveillance of antimicrobial usage (AMU) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) with antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) activities in four different settings. This White Paper focuses on the veterinary setting and embraces the One Health approach.MethodsA review of the literature was carried out addressing research questions in three areas: AMS leadership and accountability; AMU surveillance and AMS; and AMR surveillance and AMS. Consensus on target actions was reached through a RAND-modified Delphi process involving over 40 experts in infectious diseases, clinical microbiology, AMS, veterinary medicine and public health, from 18 countries.Results/discussionForty-six target actions were developed and qualified as essential or desirable. Essential actions included the setup of AMS teams in all veterinary settings, building government-supported AMS programmes and following specific requirements on the production, collection and communication of AMU and AMR data. Activities of AMS teams should be tailored to the local situation and capacities, and be linked to local or national surveillance systems and infection control programmes. Several research priorities were also identified, such as the need to develop more clinical breakpoints in veterinary medicine.ConclusionsThis White Paper offers a practical tool to veterinary practitioners and policy makers to improve AMS in the One Health approach, thanks to surveillance data generated in the veterinary setting. This work may also be useful to medical doctors wishing to better understand the specificities of the veterinary setting and facilitate cross-sectoral collaborations.


European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Federations

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Infectious Diseases,Pharmacology (medical),Pharmacology,Microbiology (medical)

Reference126 articles.

1. Antimicrobial resistance: a One Health perspective;McEwen;Microbiol Spectr,2018

2. History and current use of antimicrobial drugs in veterinary medicine;Prescott;Microbiol Spectr,2017

3. Antimicrobial stewardship in veterinary medicine;Lloyd;Microbiol Spectr,2018

4. One Health—its importance in helping to better control antimicrobial resistance;Collignon;Trop Med Infect Dis,2019








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