What we know about Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) — from evolutionary history to species ecology


Lados Botond B1ORCID,Benke Attila1ORCID,Borovics Attila1ORCID,Köbölkuti Zoltán A12ORCID,Molnár Csilla É1ORCID,Nagy László1ORCID,Tóth Endre Gy3ORCID,Cseke Klára1ORCID


1. Department of Tree Breeding, Forest Research Institute, University of Sopron , Várkerület 30/A, Sárvár 9600 , Hungary

2. Department of Applied Forest Genetics Research, Bavarian Office for Forest Genetics (AWG) , Forstamtsplatz 1, Teisendorf 83317 , Germany

3. National Coalition of Independent Scholars (NCIS) , 125 Putney Rd, Brattleboro, VT 05301 , United States


Abstract Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) is a deciduous tree species of the genus Quercus section Cerris (Fagaceae), widely distributed in Europe and Asia Minor. Throughout its vast distribution range, the species carries high phenotypic and genetic variability. Due to its high drought tolerance, Turkey oak may have great potential to be a key tree species in Central and Western Europe under climate change conditions. However, more detailed information on its phylogeny, phylogeography, phenotypic, and genetic variability is still needed for a more careful and reliable assessment of the species’ adaptation potential. To this end, based on 41 reviewed articles, we collected detailed information to support the evaluation of Turkey oak’s adaptation potential under climate change. In the reviewed articles, we observed a significantly lower number of genetic studies of the members of the section Cerris (especially the Euro-Mediterranean species) relative to the subgenus Quercus. We also identified research gaps with respect to the functional and population genetics of the species that should be addressed in the future. Nevertheless, the different evolutionary background and adaptation strategies of Turkey oak as compared to Central European white oaks, as well as its high phenotypic and genetic variability, may indeed represent a great potential for this species to support the climate adaptation of forestry in Central and Western Europe.


Ministry of Culture and Innovation of Hungary

National Research, Development and Innovation Fund


Oxford University Press (OUP)








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