A New Case for the Study of Individual Events in Political Science


Torigian Joseph1ORCID


1. American University, USA


Abstract Despite significant advances in both quantitative and qualitative methods over the last few years, the discipline of political science has yet to explicitly address the special challenges and benefits of studying specific historical events marked by high levels of contingency. The field of security studies, where concrete historical cases have always played a major role in the development of the subfield, should place special focus on the specific challenges and benefits to the study of such events. Taking full advantage of what event-specific research can teach us, however, will require thinking about generalizability, evidence, the role of contingency, and falsifiability in ways that are not yet fully understood in the discipline. More clarity on such questions will benefit our understanding of like nuclear crises in particular.


Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University


Oxford University Press (OUP)

Reference118 articles.

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4. On the Ethnographic Part of the Mix: A Multi-Genre Tale of the Field;Agar;Organizational Research Methods,2010








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