1. David Eltis and David Richardson, Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2010); Rudolf A. J. Van Lier, Frontier Society: A Social Analysis of the History of Surinam (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1971); Richard Price, Guiana Maroons: a Historical and Bibliographic Introduction (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976).
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3. Mintz Sydney W. Price Richard , The Birth of African-American Culture: An Anthropological Perspective (Boston: Beacon Press, 1976).
4. S. Philip Morgan et al., ‘Racial Differences in Household and Family Structure at the Turn of the Century’, American Journal of Sociology, 1993, 98, 799–828; Mintz and Price, Birth of an Afro-American Culture.
5. Voeks Robert A. , ‘Traditions in Transition: African Diaspora Ethnobotany in Lowland South America’, in Alexiades Miguel N. , ed., Mobility and Migration in Indigenous Amazonia: Contemporary Ethnoecological Perspectives (London: Berghahn Publishers, 2009), 275–94.