Lateral gating mechanism and plasticity of the β-barrel assembly machinery complex in micelles and Escherichia coli


Gopinath Aathira12ORCID,Rath Tobias3,Morgner Nina3ORCID,Joseph Benesh1ORCID


1. Department of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin , Berlin, 14195 , Germany

2. Institute of Biophysics, Goethe Universität Frankfurt , Frankfurt, 60438 , Germany

3. Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Goethe Universität Frankfurt , Frankfurt, 60438 , Germany


Abstract The β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) mediates the folding and insertion of the majority of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) in gram-negative bacteria. BAM is a penta-heterooligomeric complex consisting of the central β-barrel BamA and four interacting lipoproteins BamB, C, D, and E. The conformational switching of BamA between inward-open (IO) and lateral-open (LO) conformations is required for substrate recognition and folding. However, the mechanism for the lateral gating or how the structural details observed in vitro correspond with the cellular environment remains elusive. In this study, we addressed these questions by characterizing the conformational heterogeneity of BamAB, BamACDE, and BamABCDE complexes in detergent micelles and/or Escherichia coli using pulsed dipolar electron spin resonance spectroscopy (PDS). We show that the binding of BamB does not induce any visible changes in BamA, and the BamAB complex exists in the IO conformation. The BamCDE complex induces an IO to LO transition through a coordinated movement along the BamA barrel. However, the extracellular loop 6 (L6) is unaffected by the presence of lipoproteins and exhibits large segmental dynamics extending to the exit pore. PDS experiments with the BamABCDE complex in intact E. coli confirmed the dynamic behavior of both the lateral gate and the L6 in the native environment. Our results demonstrate that the BamCDE complex plays a key role in the function by regulating lateral gating in BamA.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Membrane-associated Protein Assemblies, Machineries, and Supercomplexes


Oxford University Press (OUP)







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