Partitioning variance in a signaling trade-off under sexual selection reveals among-individual covariance in trait allocation


Reichert Michael S1ORCID,de la Hera Iván1,Moiron Maria23ORCID


1. Department of Integrative Biology, Oklahoma State University , Stillwater, OK , United States

2. Department of Evolutionary Biology, Bielefeld University , Bielefeld , Germany

3. Department of Life-history Biology, Institute of Avian Research , Wilhelmshaven , Germany


Abstract Understanding the evolution of traits subject to trade-offs is challenging because phenotypes can (co)vary at both the among- and within-individual levels. Among-individual covariation indicates consistent, possibly genetic, differences in how individuals resolve the trade-off, while within-individual covariation indicates trait plasticity. There is also the potential for consistent among-individual differences in behavioral plasticity, although this has rarely been investigated. We studied the sources of (co)variance in two characteristics of an acoustic advertisement signal that trade-off with one another and are under sexual selection in the gray treefrog, Hyla chrysoscelis: call duration and call rate. We recorded males on multiple nights calling spontaneously and in response to playbacks simulating different competition levels. Call duration, call rate, and their product, call effort, were all repeatable both within and across social contexts. Call duration and call rate covaried negatively, and the largest covariance was at the among-individual level. There was extensive plasticity in calling with changes in social competition, and we found some evidence for among-individual variance in call rate plasticity. The significant negative among-individual covariance in trait values is perpendicular to the primary direction of sexual selection in this species, indicating potential limits on the response to selection.


Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers


Oxford University Press (OUP)

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