1. United States Renal Data System. 2015 USRDS Annual Data Report: Epidemiology of Kidney Disease in the United States. Chapter 7. Transplantation . Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 2015. http://www.usrds.org/2015/view/v2_07.aspx (24 January 2016, date last accessed)
2. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Policy 8: Allocation of Kidneys . http://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/contentdocuments/policy8_update_kas_12-2014.pdf (24 January 2016, date last accessed)
3. NHS Blood and Transplant. Policy186/4 Kidney Transplantation: Deceased Donor Organ Allocation . http://www.odt.nhs.uk/pdf/kidney_allocation_policy.pdf (24 January 2016, date last accessed)
4. The Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand. Organ Transplantation from Deceased Donors: Consensus Statement on Eligibility Criteria and Allocation Protocols . http://www.tsanz.com.au/organallocationprotocols/documents/CSVs1.4_V4_Final.pdf (24 January 2016, date last accessed)
5. Eurotransplant Manual Version 3.1, Chapter 4 - ETKAS; July 1, 2013, Eurotransplant Foundation International. Secondary Eurotransplant Manual Version 3.1, Chapter 4 - ETKAS; July 1, 2013, Eurotransplant Foundation International. http://eurotransplant.org/cms/mediaobject.php?file=Chapter4_thekidney10.pdf (23 February 2016, date last accessed).