1. Drake University. Des Moines. lA. At the time of this study, he was Clinical Research Pharmacist. Pharmacy Service. Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WR.AMCI, Washington. DC
2. fhe Surgeon General. Headquarters, Department of the Army. Falls Church. VA
3. Army Medical Department Pharmacoeconomic Center. Fort Sam Houston. TX. At the time of this study, he was Clinical Pharmacist. Adult Medicine. Pharmacy Service. WRAMC.
4. Clinical Pharmacy Specialist. Bone Marrow Transplant Program. National Heart, l ung, and Blixxl Institute. National Institutes of Healfh. Bethesda. MD. Af the time of this studv. he was tdiief. Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Treatment Section. WRAMC.
5. Drug Utilization F.saluation (DUE) ,SpeciaIist, Metropolitan Medical Center. Cleveland. OH. At the time of this study, she was Clinical Pharmacist. Pharmacy Service. WRAMC
6. Oncology Pharmacist. Clinical Center. National Institutes of Health. Bethesda. MP). At the time of this study, she was Clinical Pharmacist. Pharmacy Service. WRAMC.
7. Burtonsville. MD. At the time of this study, he was Clinical Pharmacist. Nutritional Sup[iort and Drug Information. Pharmacy Service. WRAMC.
8. Pharmacy .Service. Womack Army Medical Center. Fort Bragg. NC. At the time of this study, he was Assistant Chief. Pharmacv Service, WRAMC
9. Pharmacy Consultant. Office of the Surgeon General. Fleadquarters. Department of the Armv. Falls Church. VA.