1. Department of Cell Biology , Faculty of Biological Sciences, , C.P. 28040, Madrid , Spain
2. Complutense University of Madrid , Faculty of Biological Sciences, , C.P. 28040, Madrid , Spain
3. Research Institute Hospital “12 de Octubre” (imas12) , C.P. 28041, Madrid , Spain
4. Reproductive Medicine Research Group , IVI Foundation, , C.P. 46026, Valencia , Spain
5. Health Research Institute Hospital La Fe (IIS La Fe) , IVI Foundation, , C.P. 46026, Valencia , Spain
6. Micro-CT Laboratory , Central Radioactive Facility, Department of Radiology, Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, , C.P. 28040, Madrid , Spain
7. Complutense University of Madrid , Central Radioactive Facility, Department of Radiology, Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine, , C.P. 28040, Madrid , Spain