A Proposed Collaboration Against Big Tobacco: Common Ground Between the Vaping and Public Health Community in the United States


Wagener Theodore L.12,Meier Ellen13,Tackett Alayna P.13,Matheny James D.1,Pechacek Terry F.4


1. Oklahoma Tobacco Research Center, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center , Oklahoma City, OK ;

2. Department of Pediatrics, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center , Oklahoma City, OK ;

3. Department of Psychology, Oklahoma State University , Stillwater, OK ;

4. Division of Health Policy and Management, Georgia State University School of Public Health , Atlanta, GA


Abstract An unfortunate conflict is underway between the public health community and the vaping community over e-cigarettes’ harmfulness or lack thereof. This conflict is made worse by an information vacuum that is being filled by vocal members on both sides of the debate; a perceived lack of credibility of public health officials by those in the vaping community; the tobacco industry’s recent involvement in e-cigarettes; and the constant evolution of different styles and types of e-cigarettes. This conflict is avoidable; common ground exists. If both groups rally around what is in their own and the public’s best interest—the end of combustible tobacco—all will benefit significantly. If not, the result may be missed opportunities, misguided alliances, and—ultimately—poorer public health. Implications: This study brings light to the contentious debate between the vaping and public health communities. It addresses how both sides are responsible for bringing misleading information to the public and vocal leaders on both sides are unknowingly intensifying and polarizing the debate-likely at the expense of public health. It also describes how this conflict is avoidable, and provides a starting point for potential positions of common ground against Big Tobacco.




Oxford University Press (OUP)


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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