1. Institute of Antibiotics, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University , Shanghai , China
2. Key Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology of Antibiotics, National Health Commission of People's Republic of China , Shanghai , China
3. The Biostatistics Center, George Washington University , Rockville, Maryland , USA
4. Center for Discovery and Innovation, Hackensack Meridian Health , Nutley, New Jersey , USA
5. Department of Medical Sciences, Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine , Nutley, New Jersey , USA
6. Center for Infectious Diseases and Microbial Genomics, UTHealth, McGovern School of Medicine at Houston , Houston, Texas , USA
7. Molecular Genetics and Antimicrobial Resistance Unit, Universidad El Bosque , Bogotá , Colombia
8. Department of Infectious Diseases, Cleveland Clinic , Cleveland, Ohio , USA
9. College of Medicine, King Abdulaziz Medical City , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia
10. Center of Infectious Diseases, West China Hospital of Sichuan University , Chengdu , China
11. Department of Infectious Disease, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University , Shanghai , China
12. Infectious Disease Section, Department of Internal Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital , Beijing , China
13. State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of Medical School of Zhejiang University , Hangzhou , China
14. Department of Infectious Diseases, Sir Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine , Hangzhou , China
15. Department of Infectious Diseases, Shulan Hangzhou Hospital , Hangzhou , China
16. Division of Infectious Diseases, American University of Beirut Medical Center , Beirut , Lebanon
17. Department of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz ESE , Cúcuta , Colombia
18. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Henry Ford Hospital , Detroit, Michigan , USA
19. Infectious Diseases Unit, Hospital Cosme Argerich de Buenos Aires , Buenos Aires , Argentina
20. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine , Bronx, New York , USA
21. Infectious Diseases Translational Research Programme, National University of Singapore , Singapore , Singapore
22. Division of Infectious Diseases, Ochsner Medical Center , New Orleans, Louisiana , USA
23. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Michigan , USA
24. Division of Allergy, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School , New Brunswick, New Jersey , USA
25. Division of Infectious Disease, School of Medicine, Wayne State University , Detroit, Michigan , USA
26. Millennium Initiative for Collaborative Research on Bacterial Resistance (MICROB-R), Instituto de Ciencias e Innovación en Medicina, Facultad de Medicine, Clínica Alemana, Universidad del Desarrollo , Santiago , Chile
27. Department of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine , Cleveland, Ohio , USA
28. Center for Infectious Disease Research, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, School of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua , Leon , Nicaragua
29. Department of Medicine and Division of Infectious Diseases, Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas , Buenos Aires , Argentina
30. Grupo de Resistencia Antimicrobiana y Epidemiología Hospitalaria (RAEH), Universidad El Bosque , Bogotá , Colombia
31. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , USA
32. Department of Biostatics and Bioinformatics, Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University , Washington, District of Columbia , USA
33. Duke Clinical Research Institute, Duke University School of Medicine , Durham, North Carolina , USA
34. Division of Clinical Microbiology, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic , Rochester, Minnesota , USA
35. Division of Public Health, Infectious Diseases and Occupational Medicine, Department of Medicine, Mayo Clinic , Rochester, Minnesota , USA
36. Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital , Brisbane , Australia
37. Division of Infectious Diseases, Houston Methodist Hospital and Houston Methodist Research Institute , Houston, Texas , USA
38. Center for Infectious Diseases Research, Houston Methodist Hospital and Houston Methodist Research Institute , Houston, Texas , USA
39. Case Western Reserve University VA Center for Antimicrobial Resistance and Epidemiology (Case VA CARES), Research Service, Louis Stokes Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center , Cleveland, Ohio , USA
40. Department of Pharmacology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine , Cleveland, Ohio , USA
41. Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine , Cleveland, Ohio , USA
42. Department of Biochemistry, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine , Cleveland, Ohio , USA
43. Department of Medicine, University of California SanFrancisco , San Francisco, California , USA
44. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine , New York, New York , USA
45. Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of North Carolina School of Medicine , Chapel Hill, North Carolina , USA
46. Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Fujita Health University School of Medicine , Aichi , Japan