Nuisance vs. Substance: Specifying and Estimating Time-Series-Cross-Section Models


Beck Nathaniel,Katz Jonathan N.


In a previous article we showed that ordinary least squares with panel corrected standard errors is superior to the Parks generalized least squares approach to the estimation of time-series-cross-section models. In this article we compare our proposed method with another leading technique, Kmenta's “cross-sectionally heteroskedastic and timewise autocorrelated” model. This estimator uses generalized least squares to correct for both panel heteroskedasticity and temporally correlated errors. We argue that it is best to model dynamics via a lagged dependent variable rather than via serially correlated errors. The lagged dependent variable approach makes it easier for researchers to examine dynamics and allows for natural generalizations in a manner that the serially correlated errors approach does not. We also show that the generalized least squares correction for panel heteroskedasticity is, in general, no improvement over ordinary least squares and is, in the presence of parameter heterogeneity, inferior to it. In the conclusion we present a unified method for analyzing time-series-cross-section data.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Political Science and International Relations,Sociology and Political Science

Reference76 articles.

1. See the articles in Engle, and Granger (1991) for a discussion of these issues in the single time series context.

2. Comparative Democracy: The Economic Development Thesis

3. The choice of divisor here is irrelevant, since PWLS depends only on relative weights. These relative weights are completely determined by the numerator. In particular, none of the disadvantages shown by PWLS in the Monte Carlo experiments is in any manner a consequence of our choice of divisor in equation 21.

4. While BLB indicate that they corrected their estimates for panel heteroskedasticity, our reanalysis indicates that they did not do so. Burkhart, and Lewis-Beck (1994, 905) state that “heteroskedasticity was corrected … with the ‘force homoskedastic model’ option in Microcrunch … .” This confusingly named option does not produce weighted least squares. The Microcrunch User's Guide states: “The normal specification for the GLS-ARMA model is heteroskedastic error (i.e., the estimator includes a weighted least squares analogue)… . Users may override that default by specifying ‘Y’ to a Homoskedastic Error prompt… .” (Atunes and Stimson 1988, 47).

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