1. NORMENT, KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Department of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital, and Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo , Norway
2. KG Jebsen Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, University of Oslo , Oslo , Norway
3. Department of Psychiatric Research, Diakohjemmet Hospital , Oslo , Norway
4. Mailman School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Psychiatry, Columbia University , New York, NY , USA
5. New York State Psychiatric Institute , New York, NY , USA
6. Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology, Oslo University Hospital , Oslo , Norway
7. Division of Mental and Physical Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health , Oslo , Norway
8. Center for Genetic Epidemiology and Mental Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health , Oslo , Norway
9. Nic Waals Institute, Lovisenberg Diaconal Hospital , Oslo , Norway
10. PROMENTA Research Center, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo , Oslo , Norway
11. Department of Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital , Oslo , Norway