Information Technology Law provides a thorough account of information technology (IT) law. The volume looks at the subject in a wide context, examining the legal response to the latest IT-related developments within society, bringing the law to life and examining how legal issues in IT can affect everyone. This title considers issues in IT law on European and international scales, providing a realistic overview of how the law in this area operates globally and encouraging further thought and investigation about the current issues within IT law. The eighth edition covers major new legislation in this field, including the Investigatory Powers Bill and its proposed impact and scope; the rise in online fraud in the context of the Computer Misuse Act; discussion of personal data in the light of recent high-profile security breaches and new EU directives; new legislation introduced in response to the issue of revenge pornography; updated coverage of patent law, copy protection, and digital rights management; discussion of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 with regards to digital products and content; and consideration of new cases in all areas of the law.