Dietary Inflammatory Index Scores Are Associated with Pressure Pain Hypersensitivity in Women with Fibromyalgia


Correa-Rodríguez María1,Casas-Barragán Antonio2,González-Jiménez Emilio3,Schmidt-RioValle Jacqueline3,Molina Francisco4,Aguilar-Ferrándiz María Encarnación5


1. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria ibs.GRANADA, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

2. Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Health Science, Biomedicine Program of the University of Granada, Granada, Spain

3. Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

4. Department of Health Science, University of Jaén, Paraje Las Lagunillas s/n, Jaén, Spain

5. Department of Physical Therapy, Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria ibs.GRANADA, University of Granada, Granada, Spain


Abstract Objective Pain hypersensitivity has been described as one of the most disabling symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Here we analyzed the relationship between an anti-inflammatory diet profile and the pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) of tender point sites and other fibromyalgia-related symptoms in patients with FMS. Methods This cross-sectional study included 95 women diagnosed with FMS and 98 menopause-status matched controls. The Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII) was calculated by conducting a 24-hour diet recall interview. The PPTs of tender point sites and self-reported global pain levels were evaluated by algometry and the visual analog scale, respectively. Disease severity, fatigue, sleep anxiety, and central sensitization were also evaluated. Results Linear regression analysis revealed that the PPTs of tender point sites including the occiput (β = 0.234, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.016–0.452, P = 0.036), trapezius (β = 0.299, 95% CI = 0.083–0.515, P = 0.007), zygapophyseal joint (β = 0.291, 95% CI = 0.022–0.559, P = 0.035), second rib (β = 0.204, 95% CI = 0.060–0.348, P = 0.006), gluteus (β = 0.591, 95% CI = 0.110–1.072, P = 0.017), greater trochanter (β = 0.379, 95% CI = 0.016–0.742, P = 0.041), and knee (β = 0.482, 95% CI = 0.117–0.850, P = 0.011) were associated with DII score after adjustments for the age, menopausal status, and global energy levels reported by the patients with FMS. No significant differences were found for the cases or controls between the DII score and the remaining clinical symptoms. Analyses of covariance showed that the PPTs of the aforementioned tender point sites were also significantly associated (P < 0.05) with the DII score quartiles in patients with FMS, but no significant differences were found between these quartiles and the other clinical symptoms. Conclusions A pro-inflammatory diet was associated with pain hypersensitivity in patients with FMS.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,Clinical Neurology,General Medicine

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