1. Fujimi-Kogen Hospital, Fujimi-Kogen Medical Center Department of Orthopedic Surgery, , Nagano, Japan
AbstractA 57-year-old man fell from a height of 6 m and injured his right foot. Imaging studies showed an uncommon injury; naviculocuneiform and calcaneocuboid joint fracture dislocations. He underwent a temporary fixation with Kirschner wires (K-wires), and the injured foot was immobilized with a below-knee splint. Weight-bearing was started gradually. The K-wires were removed at 8 weeks. Full weight-bearing was achieved 14 weeks after the operation. At 19 weeks, he returned to his carpentry job. At 1 year, he had no marked limitation of daily activities. Early recognition of these injuries is required to prevent persistent foot pain and long-term dysfunction.
Oxford University Press (OUP)