Excessive follicle-stimulating hormone during ovarian stimulation of cattle may induce premature luteinization of most ovulatory-size follicles


Clark Zaramasina L1,Karl Kaitlin R1,Ruebel Meghan L1,Latham Keith E1,Ireland James J1


1. Reproductive and Developmental Sciences Program, Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA


Abstract High follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) doses during ovarian stimulation are detrimental to ovulatory follicle function and decrease live birth rate in cattle and women. However, the mechanism whereby excessive FSH causes ovarian dysfunction is unknown. This study tested the hypothesis that excessive FSH during ovarian stimulation induces premature luteinization of ovulatory-size follicles. Small ovarian reserve heifers were injected twice daily for 4 days with 70 IU (N = 7 heifers) or 210 IU (N = 6 heifers) Folltropin-V [commercial FSH-enriched preparation of porcine pituitary glands with minor (<1%) luteinizing hormone (LH) contamination, cpFSH]. Ovulatory-size (≥10 mm) follicles were excised from ovaries after the last cpFSH injection and hormone concentrations in follicular fluid (FF) were determined using ELISA. Luteinization was monitored by assessing cumulus cell–oocyte complex (COC) morphology and measuring concentrations of estradiol (E), progesterone (P), and oxytocin (O) in FF. COCs were classified as having compact (cCOC) or expanded (eCOC) cumulus cell layers, and as estrogen-active (E:P in FF ≥1), estrogen-inactive (EI, E:P in FF ≤1 > 0.1), or extreme-estrogen-inactive (EEI, E:P in FF ≤0.1). A high proportion (72%) of ovulatory-size follicles in 210 IU, but not 70 IU, dose heifers displayed eCOCs. The high doses also produced higher proportions of EI or EEI follicles which had lower E:P ratio and/or E but higher P and/or O concentrations compared with the 70 IU dose heifers. In conclusion, excessive cpFSH doses during ovarian stimulation may induce premature luteinization of most ovulatory-size follicles in heifers with small ovarian reserves.


Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive USDA-NIH Dual Purpose Program

USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

National Institutes of Health


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Cell Biology,General Medicine,Reproductive Medicine








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