The core of the text of this book combines the theory and practice of determining brain death. The history and development of clinical criteria of brain death is revisited. The complex neurological evaluation and its pitfalls are discussed in great detail. Moreover, the many facets of brain death determination as well as its communication to family members are examined. These include cultures beliefs, bioethical problems, discussion with family members, and many of the issues associated with organ procurement. The process of organ procurement, which is separate from brain death determination, is also outlined, along with the role of an organ procurement coordinator. This monograph is exhaustively researched and provides answers to pressing and often repeated questions, in a chapter focused on 30 issues commonly encountered by physicians in determining brain death, maintaining the body in intensive care for organ donation, and dealing compassionately with family members and effectively with the media. Legal issues are also addressed here. The book includes several video clips pertaining to the neurological evaluation of brain death and accompanying pitfalls.