The 20th century witnessed a spectacular progress in uncovering the mysteries of sleep which continues in this 21st century. Concomitantly there is increased awareness about the importance of sleep and its disorders. Gaps, however, remain in many areas, particularly in the neurological aspects of sleep medicine, which is ironic as sleep is of the brain, by the brain, and for the brain. Despite availability of two to three neurologically oriented short books, there is a need for a new text covering the topic in a succinct and lucid manner, emphasizing the practical aspects of sleep neurology. This monograph is basically a clinical compendium but also provides an underlying basic science and technical background. The book should be useful to both the beginners and those advanced in the field, and is primarily directed at neurologists as well as internists, general practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, pediatricians, neurosurgeons, otolaryngologists, dentists, intensivists, neuroscientists, and those interested in advancing their knowledge in sleep and its disorders (eg, technologists, nurses and other healthcare professionals). To paraphrase Robert Frost, we still have “miles to go” before we sleep.