Tuberculosis, typhoid, and other infectious diseases of the small bowel


Pal Partha,Nabi Zaheer,Nageshwar Reddy D.


AbstractThe small bowel absorbs ingested fluids, extracts nutrients, excludes pathogens, and propels food by its unique architecture and strict regulatory mechanisms driven by hormones and neurotransmitters. This intricate balance is altered by various enteric infections with bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasites, or fungi. These infective agents interact with different small intestinal cells, but the pathophysiological consequences such as diarrhoea, malabsorption, abdominal pain, and signs of systemic disease are similar due to a common final pathway for all such infections. Most of them are self-limiting or short lasting so that the functions of the small intestine are restored quickly. However, some of the infections are chronic and lead to long-term dysfunction of the small bowel. Both acute and chronic small intestinal infections cause a significant disease burden, morbidity, and mortality across the globe and are among the most common causes of disease worldwide. Hence, knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of small bowel infectious diseases is important.


Oxford University PressOxford

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