This text summarizes the literature regarding suicide among people with psychosis. Psychotic disorders on schizophrenia spectrum are among the most severe psychiatric disorders, and are associated with a particularly high risk of suicide. Long-term follow-up studies have found that up to 6% of people with these disorders die from suicide. Young people with psychotic disorders have a 25-fold higher risk of suicide compared to age-matched people in the general population. Being recently diagnosed, an inpatient, or recently discharged from psychiatric with a psychotic disorder, all represent high-risk periods for suicide. Indicated prevention in these high-risk periods is crucial, but also selective interventions such as early detection and intensive treatment of first episode psychosis, have shown to have positive effects on suicidal behaviour. Moreover, universal interventions aimed at the whole population, such as restricting access to lethal means, are important to implement to prevent suicide in people with psychotic disorders.