No other neurological condition allows the same opportunities for intracranial electrophysiological study of the human brain as epilepsy does. What ensues is exponentially expanding knowledge of the human epileptic brain, as well as windows into the physiology of the normal human brain itself. In Invasive Studies of the Epileptic Human Brain, some of the most renowned epilepsy experts of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries provide their expertise and insights into the identification and mapping of intracranial epileptiform and non-epileptiform activity, mapping of human brain function, and approaches to the use of invasive electroencephalography in a variety of clinical situations. It is an essential read for neurologists and neurosurgeons involved in epilepsy surgery, as well as neuroscientists and clinician researchers interested in the epileptic brain. It is organized in an easily readable series of chapters that will also appeal to trainees and students of these fields. Many of the chapters are brilliantly illustrated with case studies, and each provides an intuitively comprehensive approach to invasive brain studies. A burgeoning, worldwide, interest in stereotactic electroencephalography (SEEG), the use of sophisticated, cutting edge, multimodal imaging and other ancillary techniques, and the increasing complexity of epilepsy surgery cases makes this a timely publication, and a likely classic.